
The Phi Mu Badge is a uniquely shaped shield of gold overlaid with a black shield bearing the two bonds, three stars, hand clasping a heart and the Greek letters.

The Phi Pin (or New Member pin) is a black and gold shield with the Greek Letter “Phi.”

The quatrefoil is Phi Mu’s symbol. The quatrefoil is a very unique shape and can be traced back to early European design.

Designed in 1904 by Annie Laurie (Mallory) Parker, Alpha, and assisted by Louise (Monning) Elliott, Alpha.
Our coat of arms


The Rose Carnation


“Les Soeurs Fideles,” or, "The Faithful Sisters"

Lions have always been a part of our history and are also shown on our Coat of Arms. Our mascot, which we affectionately call “Sir Fidel,” is a name adapted from our open motto, Les Soeurs Fideles. Sir Fidel was created in 1973.

Rose and White. This choice can be dated back to the early days of the Philomathean Society and were most likely chosen by the charter members.
To lend to those less fortunate a helping hand.
To think of God as a protector and guider of us all.
To Keep forever sacred the memory of those we have loved and lost.
To be to others what we would they would be to us.
To keep our lives gentle, merciful and just, thus being true to the womanhood of love.
To walk in the way of honor, guarding the purity of our thoughts and deeds.
Being steadfast in every duty, small or large.
Believing that our given word is binding.
Striving to esteem the inner man above culture, wealth or pedigree.
Being honorable, courteous, tender, thus being true to the womanhood of honor.
To serve in the light of truth, avoiding egotism, narrowness and scorn.
To give freely of our sympathies.
To reverence God as our Maker, striving to serve him in all things.
To minister to the needy and unfortunate.
To practice day by day Love, Honor, Truth.
Thus keeping true to the meaning, spirit and reality of Phi Mu.